Are You Using Google+ Like a Rock Star For Your Social Media Marketing?


Competitive Edge Social Media Marketing
Is Google+ considered last on your list of social media platforms that you prefer to use to market your business?

Do the words ‘I just don’t get it’ slip off your lips when someone mentions the word Google+?

Although Google+ is lesser known and many times misunderstood than its social media counterparts, the platform provides major benefits when it comes to growing your brand recognition and online presence.

Here is the secret sauce to using Google+ like a pro:

Secret #1 Just Start Using It
One of the main reasons that Google+ is so important is because of its ability to increase your SEO efforts. Just like YouTube and Gmail, Google+ is a family member of Google, which is the world’s most popular search engine. This means that Google+ is associated with search results and SEO. So, when it comes to SEO you can think of Google+ as a Google accessory that can help you achieve more reach and better online recognition.

When you use Google+, Google indexes the content that you share, repost and +1. This equals to faster exposure and better SEO. Every time someone mentions you on Google+, it creates a link from your content and back to yours which also increases your chances of exposure. Also, personalized search allows your content to populate in your contact’s online searches with ease when you post to Google+.

Secret # 2 Be Consistent
Just like any platform, an active presence is important for using Google+ for your social media marketing. High quality content that people search for and engage with goes nowhere if you are inconsistent in sharing it. You don’t necessarily have to post daily on Google+ to be considered a consistent contributor. As long as you are on the platform at least once per week, you will be able to have impact.

Short on ideas? Here are a few:
• Share photos of a new product launch or event that you recently attended
• Share blog articles that can help others in your Google+ community
• Share Facebook contest details or giveaways

Secret#3 Grow a Community
You can begin to connect with clients, prospects and industry colleagues by adding users to your circles. It’s important to provide meaningful content that can help and bring value to community members. Another way to grow your community is by interacting with the content of others in your circle. When it comes to social media, engagement is seen as one of the greatest compliments. Sharing and posting other’s content builds trust and loyalty among your Google+ community. This will also improve your visibility and leads to better SEO.

Google+ is still a mystery for many, but, it does not have to be for you. There are too many benefits that come with using it for you to shy away from this platform. Just take small steps and do at least one thing each day to grow your presence. Before you know it, you will soon be a Google+ rock star.


  1. Jenny R. on November 17, 2014 at 12:40 am

    I feel like I make Google+ a lot harder than it needs to be. I suppose it’s because I don’t really see instant results I feel like I’ve failed.

    • Shantha Wetterhan on November 17, 2014 at 12:53 am

      It’s a marathon and not a race for sure Jenny! Google+ is one of those platforms that doesn’t always make sense and it’s not all that user-friendly, but we all really should be using it because it’s great for SEO. Just take little strides at a time, do one thing for your Google+ profile every single day and you’ll get there!

  2. Laurie Barrie on November 17, 2014 at 6:19 am

    Great advice! I especially agree with being active and consistent on Google+.

    • Shantha Wetterhan on November 17, 2014 at 1:56 pm

      Thanks Laurie! you got it.

  3. Quida on November 18, 2014 at 2:16 pm

    Love this topic Shantha. 🙂 Staying active and focused is always a +!

  4. Shelly Browne on November 18, 2014 at 6:28 pm

    I had the feeling that GOOGLE plus was definitely important!

  5. Kemya Scott on November 18, 2014 at 9:01 pm

    You’re absolutely right! Google+ is one of those places that I can’t seem to get excited about. I know better, so I probably just need to stop overthinking and implement your Secret #1 and just use it!

    • Shantha Wetterhan on November 19, 2014 at 2:28 am

      That’s right Kemya! One step forward is a step in the right direction.

  6. Shelly Browne on November 19, 2014 at 2:30 pm

    Referring you to a couple entrepreneurs that are not so media and online savvy — told them just talk to Shantha!

    • Shantha Wetterhan on November 20, 2014 at 1:21 am

      Awesome! thanks so much Shelly!

  7. Niekka McDonald on November 20, 2014 at 6:44 pm

    I love Google + I have a great community on there. You give such great advice.

    • Shantha Wetterhan on November 22, 2014 at 3:28 pm

      Thanks so much Niekka! I’ll have to go and add you to my circles on Google+

    • Shantha Wetterhan on November 22, 2014 at 3:29 pm

      Thanks so much Niekka! I’ll have to add you to my Google+ circles.