Simple Ways to Engage With Your Social Media Followers
Are your efforts on social media engaging people?
Is your audience on social media platforms excited about your brand?
Is your social media content being engaged with and consistently shared?
You might have thousands and thousands of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest followers, but if those people don’t do anything with your brand or your page, does it matter? Unfortunately, not really.
One of the main purposes of using social media to market your business is to get people to do something, be it share enthusiasm about your brand or make a purchase from your site. In fact, if you have a smaller number of followers that are more engaged, you’re better off than companies that have ten times as many disengaged members.
But how do you get all those people, who may have different goals and different needs, to boost their interaction? There are lots of different tactics to rely on—Q&A sessions, chats, forums to name just a few. For more ideas and hacks to get those social media people active, use this graphic.
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Via Salesforce