Small Changes in Your Business Leads to Big Results
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
If I can be totally honest with you, I have felt a little bit of insanity when it comes to my business and its trajectory lately.
Don’t get me wrong, I love helping people achieve their business and income goals by launching, implementing and managing digital marketing strategies for them.
But, I have had this pesky feeling (for some time now) that I was made to do more! I know that I am doing a disservice to the professionals and small business owners that need my services if I don’t act on now!
What’s that one thing that you do for others that get you feeling energized? Is there a particular piece of advice that you are always giving or a skillset that you find yourself gladly doing for FREE for people? Whatever your answer is, this is your calling.
My calling is helping people identify their personal brands and then use social media platforms to get this brand seen and heard. But, I get the BIGGEST thrill from showing others how to do this themselves. I have been a keynote speaker and workshop facilitator on topics such as personal branding, social media marketing, and digital strategy for three years now. This is where I not only feel most energized but where my heart is.
Lately, have had a vision of reaching people on an even bigger scale. That’s why I have decided to create and launch my LinkedIn online training course.
This course will show professionals how to propel their profits by growing their leads, prospects, and networks with LinkedIn, the number one social media platform for businesses and professionals.
The information in the course is pieced together by people just like you. Small business owners and entrepreneurs whom I have met at networking events, workshops or even the line at the grocery store.
People who are already limited with their time, might not have a huge budget for a marketing team but are looking for ways to make authentic connections online and get those coveted referrals at the same time.
I am so excited about this and I look forward to sharing even more with you over the coming days and weeks leading up to the launch!
I would like to end this email with a challenge for you. If you are doing the same thing in your business over and over and you are still in the same boat that you were one year ago, it’s time to do something different. Even a tiny change today will lead to reaching your BIGGEST goals!
I want to help you reach your goals by getting an effective and successful social media marketing strategy in place for your brand. I offer a hassle free marketing strategy session.
If that is something that you are interested in, hop on over and book a call with me.