How to Rock Your Houzz Profile
This exciting age of technology in which we live has led to many conveniences. One popular convenience is online shopping which allows consumers to shop for and receive goods and services right from the comfort of their own homes. Social media websites like Pinterest and Facebook have integrated purchasing functions that change the way that consumers shop and how companies engage with their customers. Businesses that take advantage of social media and are consistent in using it effectively, will reap key benefits including greater brand awareness, enhanced credibility and customer loyalty.
Pinterest and Facebook are great platforms to leverage, but their large reach and vast categories make it hard to target a specific audience. Houzz, a one stop home remodeling and design application, makes targeting a specific audience easier for those in the home improvement business. The app, founded in 2009, started off as a simple photo browsing and sharing site for those who wanted to showcase their beautiful homes. Since its launch, Houzz has transformed into one of the leading interior design and home improvement social media sites in the market.
As a design professional, utilizing the following tips will help in your endeavors to establish your brand and increase your sales:
- Always post high quality images – Without great pictures your content will often get over-looked. Great photos draw in your audience.
- Tag all of your products – Much like hashtags, Houzz offers green product tags that maximize your product’s exposure.
- Group your images into projects – The project feature creates an album of your photos that you can organize into specific categories.
- Showcase your products in ideabooks – This feature allows you to pull any photos uploaded on Houzz and make creative groupings of products.
- Utilize discussion boards – Houzz discussion areas are highly engaging. Make sure that you are responsive when asked questions about your product.
- Build up your following – Networking and obtaining a large community of followers will increase your brand reach.
- Request customer reviews – Positive reviews impact your brands credibility.
Remember, like any other social media platform, growing your audience and customer reach takes time and effort, but hopefully with these tips you can start to see the fruit of your labor in no time. Now its time to get started!